Mp3 Download song Hatfield Juliana Everybody Loves Me But You FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Hatfield Juliana song lyrics

Hatfield Juliana - Everybody Loves Me But You Lyrics

Well I wake up every morning and the first thing that I say
Is that I hope that I can make it through another lonely day
I'm afraid I might explode if I keep going on this way

People always notice me wherever I go
They think I'm lucky but they don't really know
Beauty and brains are all that I've got
I've got a cold cold bed and a broken heart, a broken heart

Everybody loves me, everyone but you
But nobody undoes me like the thought of you can do
They search my eyes but I don't know why
Cos all I ever do is cry
Everybody loves me but you

Girls wanna be me so they can pick and choose
They figure out of ten men there's no way that they can lose
Men would walk the plank for me and set themselves on fire
What do they see in me that isn't sad and tired, tired

I could fill my life with people who wanna be with me
Do like when they say there's other fish in the sea
There's a world out there and a million things to do
But what do I care if it doesn't include you, you

Everybody loves me, everyone but you
But nobody undoes me like the thought of you can do
They search my eyes but I don't know why
Cos all they ever do is cry
Everybody loves me

A cold cold bed and a broken heart
A cold cold bed and a broken heart
An empty house and a broken car
A cold cold bed and a broken hea
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